Our Logo

Enlight Legal & Migration Logo

The lantern or lantern, carefully chosen as the logo and symbol of Enlight Legal & Immigration, symbolizes illumination amidst darkness. This symbol serves not only as a guide to finding the right path but also as a statement of resilience and determination to overcome darkness. In this process, the lantern as a symbol of darkness and light portrays a story of struggle and victory, reminding us that at all times and under any circumstances, there exists a conflict between good and evil, light and darkness. This conflict is an eternal struggle inherent within every individual and every society. Therefore, the lantern has been used across different histories and cultures as a symbol of enlightenment and awareness.

Additionally, the lantern symbolizes the unwavering resilience and determination of Afghan children who, despite war, deprivation, and racial discrimination, are eager to learn. These children endure challenges such as lack of access to educational facilities and even basic amenities like stable electricity, often studying in the darkness of night illuminated by the lantern’s light to secure a brighter future. They understand well that like the lantern that illuminates the night, knowledge is a light that grants the opportunity to see, understand, and have the right to choose. This light empowers humanity and prevents its descent into the pitfalls of coercion and monopoly. The lantern, as a symbol of hope and light, embodies the journey from darkness to enlightenment, reflecting humanity’s aspiration for awareness and the right to determine destiny.

With this explanation, the concept of light in this symbol looks beyond mere physical illumination, emphasizing that the light within the lantern, like bright thoughts and ideas emerging from the darkness, guides humans on their life’s path. This light signifies sparks of wisdom and insight that rescue humans from confusion and ignorance, directing them towards deeper self-awareness and understanding of the world around them.

The choice of the lantern as the symbol of Enlight Legal & Immigration is personal, rooted in the founder’s own experiences. As an Afghan immigrant born in Iran, she has lived through the ups and downs, historical sufferings, challenges of migration, and refugee life. This symbol stands as a testament to her commitment to light a lantern to the best of her ability. 

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info@enlightlegal.com.au Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00

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