Skilled Visas

Australia is one of the popular destinations for migration and work due to its job opportunities and high quality of life, attracting many individuals worldwide. To enter the Australian job market, the Australia Work and Skill Visa is a popular solution for those who wish to work in the country. The Australia Subclass 189 Skill and Expertise Visa is considered one of the independent migration visas to Australia, which does not require sponsorship from an employer or family members.

Applicants for the Australia 189 visa must independently score the necessary points. For the 189 visa, the minimum required score in the Skills Assessment Test is 65 points. Visa holders, along with their family members, can live, work, and study in Australia as permanent residents.

Conditions for the Australia 189 visa include:

Age: Applicants must be under 45 years old at the time of invitation to apply for the visa. The points awarded for age are as follows:
18 to under 25 years old: 25 points
25 to under 33 years old: 30 points
33 to under 40 years old: 25 points
40 to under 45 years old: 15 points

Occupation: The occupation must be listed in the Medium and Long-Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) of Australia. Positive skill assessment is required to demonstrate the necessary skills for the job. It should be noted that the Australian Department of Immigration changes the list of required occupations annually.

Invitation: Applicants must be invited to apply for the 189 visa. If there are job opportunities for the selected occupation and your score is sufficiently high, you will receive an invitation.

Points: You must have the required points (minimum 65 points) in the invitation. The points in your invitation are based on the information provided in your Expression of Interest (EOI) form. When invited to apply for the visa, you must have the minimum threshold points.

Cancelled Visas: If your visa has been cancelled or rejected while you were in Australia, you may not be eligible to apply for the Australia 189 visa.

English Language Proficiency: Applicants must have an acceptable level of proficiency in the English language.

Required Documents for the Subclass 189 Visa:
  • Original and copy of a valid passport;
  • National ID card or birth certificate;
  • Police clearance certificate;
  • English language proficiency certificate;
  • Expression of Interest (EOI) letter: You must provide all your skills along with evidence;
  • Skills Assessment Certificate; and
  • Qualification and work experience documents

The Australia Subclass 189 Skill and Expertise Visa is a significant opportunity for individuals seeking independent migration to Australia. However, due to its relatively low capacity and the need for a high score, most applicants for Australian work migration opt for the 190 and 491 visas. These two visas are outlined below:

Australia Permanent Visa 190:

The Australia Permanent Visa 190 is a migration pathway to Australia similar to the 189 visa, with the difference that sponsorship from a state or territory is required. In this process, the six Australian states sponsor applicants whose profession is in demand only in that state. The main requirement for this visa is to have a minimum of 60 points, as well as the approval of a state in Australia to sponsor the applicant. By obtaining state sponsorship, 5 points are added to the applicant’s score, reaching 65, which is the minimum score for work migration. To obtain state sponsorship, simply complete the sponsorship application form on the website of the desired state and commit to living and working in that state.

Advantages of the 190 Visa:
  • Permanent residence in Australia;
  • Children born to 190 visa holders in Australia are automatically considered Australian citizens; and 
  • Ability to use Australian healthcare. 
Temporary Visa 491 Australia

The 491 visa is offered in two forms: state-sponsored and family-sponsored in Australia.

The 491 visa with state sponsorship is temporary and valid for 5 years. Similar to the 190 visa, this visa requires state sponsorship. This visa allows individuals with even 50 points to apply because state sponsorship adds 15 points to the applicant’s score, reaching a total of 65. For this visa, your occupation must be listed in one of the MLTSSL, STSOL, or Regional lists.

After obtaining the temporary 491 visa, if a person lives and works in low population areas of Australia for 3 years, they can apply for the permanent visa (191 visa). All cities in Australia except Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane are considered low population areas of Australia.

In the 491 visa with family sponsorship in Australia, the applicant must have a close relative in low population areas of Australia. Low population areas include all of Australia except Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane, and close relatives include parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, grandparents, or nephews (or nieces). In this type of visa, the applicant’s occupation must be on the MLTSSL list.

Benefits of the 491 Visa include the ability to obtain permanent residency in Australia after three years of living and working in low population areas of Australia, the ability to use Australian healthcare, and the possibility of relocating to Melbourne, Sydney, or Brisbane after obtaining permanent residency. The main requirement for applying for the 491 visa is to have a minimum of 50 points and have the support of a state or a close relative in Australia to sponsor the applicant.

If you are interested in obtaining any of the above visas, please contact us for more information.

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